Healthcare experiences
are human experiences

NRC Health Solutions


Healthcare experiences
are human experiences


Our expertise is Human Understanding®. We believe that every healthcare encounter is fundamentally a human experience.

That’s why our holistic healthcare experience management framework is designed to drive the most human healthcare experiences for everyone.

Patients. Consumers. Employees. Communities.

Our comprehensive platform is a next-generation suite of AI enabled products that create a natural way to collect, analyze, and deliver feedback.

By leveraging advanced technology and deep insights, we ensure each interaction becomes a meaningful moment of connection and care.

See how healthcare’s most comprehensive experience management platform helps you listen to those you serve, understand what they are saying, and drive real improvement.
Humans as patients

Humans as patients

When we view patients as unique humans, we build trust and empathy, paving the way for more meaningful connections.

Humanizing the healthcare experience fosters better communication, which leads to better outcomes.

This vision of seeing people not just patients, drives us to innovate with purpose.

We provide you with the tools to listen and act when it matters most, so you can deliver Human Understanding to every unique individual who walks through your doors.

Humans as patients
Humans as consumers

Humans as consumers

We go beyond data and numbers to bring the actual voices, preferences, and perceptions of your healthcare consumers to the table.

No guessing, no irrelevant data.

Just real healthcare consumer input to inform strategic business decisions and co-design experiences.

Our next-gen solutions are designed to fit into real lives, transforming healthcare into a more inclusive and responsive system that makes it easy to acquire and engage consumers beyond the clinical setting.

Humans as employees

Humans as employees

The employee experience is a unique journey for everyone. Every interaction, touchpoint, and transaction shapes this journey.

Prioritizing the employee’s point of view can create a more meaningful and productive workplace, and ultimately better outcomes.

Our solutions help to unite your workforce around a shared sense of purpose to attract and retain top talent. And equip leaders with the necessary tools to foster engagement and open communication.

Humans as employees
Humans as community

Humans in communities

To ensure your mission remains relevant and competitive, it’s crucial to ask your market what they want and deliver on those needs.

Stepping outside the traditional care setting allows us to truly understand market demands and adapt accordingly.

Our unmatched insights, specific to healthcare, ensure you can build a brand that is not just recognized, but trusted and valued by the communities you serve.

Our expertise is
Human Understanding®

We are leading the charge towards a future where every unique healthcare experience is a meaningful moment of human connection.

Go beyond the data and truly connect with the individuals who make up your patient base, consumer community, workforce, and the markets you serve.