CAHPS Insider: September 2024
Insights and Updates for Effective Compliance
Here is a recap of the latest news and updates to CAHPS in September 2024.
By Kayce Kovanda, Corporate Compliance Communication Manager, NRC Health.
CMS News
Hurricane Exceptions
Due to the public health emergency caused by the effects of Hurricane Debby, CMS is granting exceptions to some reporting measures, including Q2 2024 HHCAHPS and CAHPS Hospice reporting and the 2024 reporting period of CAHPS for MIPS for clinicians located in the affected areas. Organizations should be aware that if they voluntarily submit data to CMS during the exception period, those data will be used for scoring and reporting.
For information on these and other hurricane exceptions, please visit the CMS Current Emergencies page.

Updated HCAHPS Sub-Measures
Beginning with the October 2026 public reporting period, HCAHPS Survey results will be reported under 11 sub-measures. A crosswalk of HCAHPS Survey questions to sub-measure categories is available here.

CAHPS Hospice
Preview Reports
Hospices can review their results that will be published on Care Compare in advance of the November 2024 refresh. Preview Reports are available for review through the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reports (CASPER) application until September 21, 2024. The reports will be available to download for an additional 30 days after the preview period ends. Please click here for additional information on CAHPS Hospice Preview Reports.
Public Reporting Refresh
Publicly reported CAHPS Hospice results on Care Compare have been updated to reflect results from Q4 2021 – Q3 2023 (October 1, 2021 – September 30, 2023) decedents.

Vendor Authorization Deadline
Medicare Shared Savings Program (SSP) ACOs and participating clinician groups are required to authorize a survey vendor to conduct the CAHPS for MIPS Survey each year, even if they have participated in the past. The deadline to authorize a survey vendor for the 2024 fielding is September 11, 2024.

Annual Quality Reports
Performance year 2023 Annual Quality Reports for ACO REACH CAHPS participants were are accessible on the 4i Knowledge Library for ACOs as of Monday, August 12, 2024. These results include Composite Scores, SSM- and item-level scores, previous year SSM scores, and average SSM- and item-level scores across all REACH ACOs.
The CAHPS results in Annual Quality Reports for Standard/New Entrant ACOs also include the ACO’s percentile rank for each SSM, the highest benchmark threshold met, and the number of points earned for each SSM.
If you have any questions, please contact the ACO REACH CAHPS Survey Coordination Team at