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AI and the future of Human Understanding in healthcare

Optimizing healthcare practices is now a strategic imperative in an industry that is both data-rich and time-poor. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into these practices has the potential to streamline processes, enhance patient care, and provide more insightful data analysis. The application of AI can not only alleviate some of the administrative burdens that healthcare professionals face but also offer a more efficient communication process with patients and their care teams. 

However, as we harness the power of AI, two foundational pillars must be kept in focus – augmenting human capabilities and upholding ethical standards, particularly in the realm of security and privacy. A robust AI engine must not only process and understand vast amounts of data but also respect the privacy of its users, a balance that ensures both effectiveness and ethicality. 

NRC Health’s Chief Experience Officer, Jennifer Baron, Chief Product and Technology Officer, Christophe Louvion, and Chief Product Officer, Vinitha Ramnathan joined a recent NRC Health webcast panel interview to discuss the intersection of artificial intelligence and empathy in healthcare.

Key takeaways

  • Meet Huey: NRC Health recently launched Huey, healthcare’s first AI engine designed specifically for experience management. Huey is designed to alleviate administrative burdens, improve communication, and enhance patient and care team feedback.
  • Huey’s privacy-first design: Huey is designed to augment human abilities, not replace them. It is built with a privacy-first architecture and is independently verified for security. It does not share data with third parties and has strict policies against training outside of declared scopes.
  • Multifaceted capabilities: Huey can synthesize large amounts of information, simplify repetitive tasks, detect anomalies, assist with decision-making, and enhance learning. It can also provide personalized information to frontline care providers to improve patient interactions.
  • Practical Applications: Huey is being used to ask questions about data, make service recovery smarter, listen more holistically across different areas of healthcare, and provide clinicians with feedback and coaching tips. Future applications include providing a more personalized view of patients ahead of their visits and creating personalized use cases to develop campaigns or strategies. 
  • Co-designing ethical AI: NRC Health emphasizes the importance of co-designing with partners to ensure that Huey is aligned with human-centric and societal values. The company is committed to responsible and ethical AI use and is actively participating in setting standards for responsible AI in healthcare.

“The hope for AI is that we can find opportunities to alleviate a lot of that administrative burden, freeing our teams up to lean in, to be present in the moment with patients and family members and to really move forward. When we start utilizing AI to better listen broadly to our patients, their family members, as well as our care team…we’re able to really understand our opportunities to improve as well as what we’re doing well.” – Jennifer Baron, Chief Experience Officer, NRC Health

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