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COVID Care: Here’s what wary patients want to hear from their providers

The outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has many patients feeling anxious. It’s no mystery why—the virus’s spread has been alarmingly fast, and the attendant stories in the media have struck a tone that comes close to panic. Health-system frontline staff are facing enormous pressure in their roles as practitioners, guides, and advocates for public health.

Ratings and reviews significantly improve providers’ online reputation at a major pediatric hospital

A pediatric health system in the Midwest with two hospitals, wanted to better understand the patient and family experience, and wanted their physicians’ online reputations to match the high standards of their care. With NRC Health’s Reputation capabilities, the average physician ratings were at 4.8, which is significantly higher than the third-party websites sharing patient reviews. The system’s ratings and reviews are very positive and they wanted to share that with the community.

Mass customization is the future of care. Here’s how to achieve it.

Healthcare already practices such segmentation, albeit in a limited way. Triage splits patients by their health status. Population health divides patients according to their demographic data. These modes of segmentation help hospitals allocate care and produce high-quality outcomes.To create care experiences that resonate on a personal level, however, organizations will have to reach further—they’ll have to pursue segmentation that includes patients’ identity, not just their clinical presentation. For this, hospitals will need psychographic models to complete their understanding.